The 2023 Art Showcase exhibited the work of 70 children from 14 CLSs. Through these pieces, children celebrated the diversity of our schools and spoke about the importance of learning language.
We were lucky to have the following people act as judges for the Art Showcase:
- Mick Bolognese – Programs and Policy Officer from the Multicultural Affairs team of the Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Irene Rowe – Newly Elected Chairperson of the CLSSA Board, and,
- Leah Leventeris – Local Artistic Expert
29 winners were selected across 4 age groups in 3 categories – Art/Drawing, Creative Handmade and Writing. Prizes included:
- 3rd place – $100 voucher
- 2nd place – $200 voucher
- 1st place – $300 voucher
Congratulations to the winners!
Click on the tabs below to see the winning entries.
Ages 4-6
Ages 7-9
Ages 10-13
Ages 14-18
Ages 7-9
Ages 10-13
Ages 14-18
CLSSA facilitates this competition every year and all students of CLSs are eligible to enter. Speak to your local CLS about being involved in 2024.